Srivenu Kadiyala's Blog

January 25, 2012

latch: row cache objects

Filed under: Uncategorized — srivenu @ 1:07 pm

I was looking into a system having serious performance issues. The environment was a 4-node RAC of 64-bit Oracle on AIX 6.1.
Every few minutes or so, randomly on one or more nodes, the cpu spikes from around the regular 40% usage to 100% and the system grinds to a halt for a minute or two till normalcy returns. A quick look at the Session Waits during the issue showed around 100 sessions on each instance waiting for “latch: row cache objects”. The sql they were executing was similar, but not same due to literal usage.

The event “latch: row cache objects” was around 33% of the total DB time.

The row cache gets and misses were mainly for dc_histogram_defs & dc_object_ids

col cache# head "Cache|no" form 999
col parameter head "Parameter" form a25
col type head "Type" form a12
col subordinate# head "Sub|ordi|nate" form 9999
col rcgets head "Cache|Gets" form 999999999999
col rcmisses head "Cache|Misses" form 999999999999
col rcmodifications head "Cache|Modifica|tions" form 999999999999
col rcflushes head "Cache|Flushes" form 999999999999
col kqrstcln head "Child#" form 999
col lagets head "Latch|Gets" form 999999999999
col lamisses head "Latch|Misses" form 999999999999
col laimge head "Latch|Immediate|gets" form 999999999999

select	dc.kqrstcid CACHE#, dc.kqrsttxt PARAMETER, decode(dc.kqrsttyp, 1,'PARENT','SUBORDINATE') type,
	decode(dc.kqrsttyp, 2, kqrstsno, null) subordinate#, 
	dc.kqrstgrq rcgets, dc.kqrstgmi rcmisses, dc.kqrstmrq rcmodifications, dc.kqrstmfl rcflushes, dc.kqrstcln, 
	la.gets lagets, la.misses lamisses, la.immediate_gets laimge
from	x$kqrst 		dc,
	v$latch_children 	la
where	dc.inst_id = userenv('instance')
and 	la.child# = dc.kqrstcln
and = 'row cache objects'
order 	by rcgets desc

Cache                                         ordi         Cache         Cache        Latch          Latch
   no Parameter                 Type          nate          Gets        Misses         Gets         Misses
----- ------------------------- ------------ ----- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
   16 dc_histogram_defs         PARENT                1163261239        182775    3492413701     862439459
   11 dc_object_ids             PARENT                1091768860         37575    3275630976     221260636
    0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT                 440255133          1310    1320780266       8747309
    7 dc_users                  PARENT                 279457505           747     843421881       9823132
    2 dc_segments               PARENT                 178559327       1192786     545703514       8000261
    3 dc_rollback_segments      PARENT                 146295144          9143     437217211       6452501
    8 dc_objects                PARENT                  43116889         31984     129632484        943641
   15 dc_database_links         PARENT                  21401418            79      64204915         15514
    7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE      1      10638770           323     843421881       9823132
   10 dc_usernames              PARENT                   8048301           856      24151948         24725
    7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE      0       2809074           101     843421881       9823132
   19 dc_table_scns             PARENT                   2389350          2103       7208283         12624
   14 dc_profiles               PARENT                   1413630             7       4240943          2677
   16 dc_histogram_data         SUBORDINATE      0        716143         41435    3492413701     862439459
   16 dc_histogram_data         SUBORDINATE      1        315044          4578    3492413701     862439459
   13 dc_sequences              PARENT                    181111         56571       2997694           930
    6 dc_files                  PARENT                     90210         61110        758952           191
   17 dc_global_oids            PARENT                     58365           691        180794             3
   24 outstanding_alerts        PARENT                     40882         38340        582110          1617
    5 dc_tablespace_quotas      PARENT                     29368          1679        336175           316
    8 dc_object_grants          SUBORDINATE      0         27432           941     129632484        943641
   12 dc_constraints            PARENT                      2911          1802         46892            48
   22 dc_awr_control            PARENT                      2378            46          8001             0
   19 dc_partition_scns         SUBORDINATE      0             0             0       7208283         12624
   33 kqlsubheap_object         PARENT                         0             0             0             0
    7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE      2             0             0     843421881       9823132
    4 dc_used_extents           PARENT                         0             0             0             0
    1 dc_free_extents           PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   34 realm cache               PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   34 realm auth                SUBORDINATE      0             0             0             0             0
   35 Command rule cache        PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   36 Realm Object cache        PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   36 Realm Subordinate Cache   SUBORDINATE      0             0             0             0             0
   40 Rule Set Cache            PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   37 event map                 PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   38 format                    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   39 audit collector           PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   26 global database name      PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   20 rule_info                 PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   21 rule_or_piece             PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   21 rule_fast_operators       SUBORDINATE      0             0             0             0             0
    9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   23 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   27 qmtmrcin_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   28 qmtmrctn_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   29 qmtmrcip_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   30 qmtmrctp_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   31 qmtmrciq_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   32 qmtmrctq_cache_entries    PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   25 dc_hintsets               PARENT                         0             0             0             0
   18 dc_outlines               PARENT                         0             0             0             0

51 rows selected.

The misses were mainly at these locations

                                                     NoWait              Waiter
Latch Name               Where                       Misses     Sleeps   Sleeps
------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- --------
row cache objects        kqrpre: find obj                 0    869,898  937,846
row cache objects        kqreqd: reget                    0    578,411  414,607
row cache objects        kqreqd                           0    407,455  503,634

Following is one of the sql executed by the sessions contending for the row cache latch. (They were using literal values as shown below)

where  	(
	10.0 = 10 
	7.07 = 7.07 
	'NA' = 'G_60_TO'
AND 	ISD = 987654321
AND 	ACCOUNT_ID = 1234567
AND 	circle_id = 55555
	WHERE 	ID1 = 12345
	HAVING 	COUNT(*) >= 1000

There were around a 100 sessions executing the same piece of code in a tight loop. The offending sql was executed roughly around 2 times/second by each session. There were others sql’s in the loop and some of them were having literals. But the latch contention shows up only during the execution of the above sql. This piqued my interest to find the root cause.

A trace showed the parse call of the offending sql to be preceded by 3 recursive calls.

select text from view$ where rowid=:1
Bind value=0000D6E8.0000.0001
select condition from cdef$ where rowid=:1
Bind value=00011BD3.004F.0001
select condition from cdef$ where rowid=:1
Bind value=00011BD3.0050.0001
select condition from cdef$ where rowid=:1
Bind value=00011BD3.0051.0001

I queried view$ to find out what this recursive call related to.

select 	rowid, dbms_rowid.ROWID_TO_RESTRICTED(rowid,1) 
from 	view$ 
where 	dbms_rowid.ROWID_TO_RESTRICTED(rowid,1) = '0000D6E8.0000.0001'

------------------ ------------------
AAAAA/AABAAANboAAA 0000D6E8.0000.0001

select 	obj#
from 	view$ 
where 	rowid = 'AAAAA/AABAAANboAAA'


select 	owner, object_type, object_name
from	dba_objects
where	object_id = 58193

Owner            Object type        Object Name                   
---------------- ------------------ ------------------------------
OWNER            VIEW               VIEW1           

Similar queries on cdef$ revealed that the data related to 3 constraints on a table (lets call it SUB)

DOC_STATUS IN ('P', 'S', 'F','N') 
CRE_STATUS IN ('P', 'S', 'F','N')
PHY_STATUS IN ('P', 'S', 'F','N')

I then checked the view definition, which was something like this

select	.........., SUB_STATUS, DOC_STATUS, CRE_STATUS, PHY_STATUS, ...........
from	SUB,
where =
and =

The table SUB also has a check constraint on the SUB_STATUS column – SUB_STATUS IN (‘I’, ‘A’, ‘G1’, ‘G2’, ‘S’, ‘C’). But there was no recursive call to get this constraint definition even though a predicate on that column was used in the view definition. Looks like it only gets the constraint definitions for columns used in the query for doing a possible rewrite.

This led to the next question, why is it executing these recursive calls again and again.
Wasn’t that the main purpose for the existence of the row cache? To cache dictionary data?

As usual my master comes to the rescue with this note – Constraints, Inserts and bind

TEXT column in VIEW$ table and CONDITION column in CDEF$ table are LONG datatype and hence their values are not going to be cached in the row cache.

We had resolved the issue by changing CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE from EXACT.
There is also another workaround of setting event 10195 to disable transitive predicate generation using check constraints.

So using literals in sql’s involving views is going to have an additional penalty.

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